About The More Than Numbers Program
(MTN Founder Kayla Willis sits down for a chat with Steve Harvey.)
Our Story
In 2019 , our founder Kayla Willis was featured on the Steve Harvey Talk Show and was granted $5,000. She decided to use those funds to launch the More than Numbers Program! At the time, students who needed aid in applying for college would receive one-on-one help from Kayla. Three years later, The More than Numbers Youth Program is now a non-profit, 501 (c) (3) public charity organization that gives students from all over the world.
Kayla was only 18 years old when MTN was founded. Although she had only $5,000, she knew that there was a bigger purpose for our organization. In its first year, the More Than Numbers program gave out $1,250 to its inaugural cohort! In July 2020, More than Numbers became The More than Numbers Youth Program, Incorporated (MTN). In October 2020, MTN received its 501c3 status. As donations and support came through, the organization was able to expand the team and provide another cohort with $1,250! Since then, MTN has continued to grow exponentially. In 2022, we built our first partnership with the skincare company Good Molecules and opened our first partnered scholarship titled The Good Molecules STEM Scholarship. MTN was able to raise over $3, 000 in donations, allowing us to give $2,000 in organizational scholarships! As of now, MTN is focused on growth and helping current and future college students receive the aid they need, assisting over 95 students and preparing to give over $15,000 worth of scholarships.
Our Purpose, Vision &
The purpose of The More than Numbers Program is to help students facing educational disparities with personal & professional development as they transition into higher education.
The vision of The More than Numbers Program is to lessen the educational disparities seen among high and college students before they transition into higher education.
The mission of The More than Numbers Program is to provide students facing educational disparities with opportunities for growth, networking, and development throughout their matriculation to & through higher education.